You were made for community and we want you to find a place to belong. Finding a group is one of the best ways to become like Jesus and join him on mission. Take your next steps into deeper, God-centered community.


Group Finder is a simple tool to help you find the community God has waiting for you. You can browse all current groups below, or apply filters to narrow your search. Your community is just a click away.

Still have questions? Click here to email our Groups team. If you don’t see what you’re looking for and are interested in leading a new group, fill out the form below so we can connect with you!


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Type of Group

Day of Week

Littleton Campus
Day: Sunday
Time: 11 AM - 12 PM
Location: Room M5
Frequency: Weekly
Adult Sunday School is a great place to learn more about the Bible and what it means to follow Jesus Christ, while fostering friendships with others.
Littleton Campus
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:15 - 10:15 AM
Location: Room M9
Frequency: Weekly
Adult Sunday School is a great place to learn more about the Bible and what it means to follow Jesus Christ, while fostering friendships with others.
Littleton Campus
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:15 - 10:15 AM
Location: Room M3
Frequency: Weekly
Adult Sunday School is a great place to learn more about the Bible and what it means to follow Jesus Christ, while fostering friendships with others.
Littleton Campus
Day: Sunday
Time: 11 AM - 12 PM
Location: Room M8
Frequency: Weekly
Replenish is a Sunday school class for busy grown-ups and the parents of students looking for a place to connect and study God’s Word at the same time students meet at 11 AM.
Littleton Campus
Day: Sunday
Time: 10:45 AM - 12 PM
Location: Conference Room
Frequency: Weekly
Sustainers is a Women's Sunday School group. Adult Sunday School is a great place to learn more about the Bible and what it means to follow Jesus Christ, while fostering friendships with others.
Littleton Campus
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:15 - 10:15 AM
Location: Room M4
Frequency: Weekly
Adult Sunday School is a great place to learn more about the Bible and what it means to follow Jesus Christ, while fostering friendships with others.
Español Campus
Day: Saturday
Time: 6 - 8 PM
Location: Mission Hills en Español
Frequency: Mensual
Este es un grupo nuevo. Este es un grupo de hombres que comparten un devocional y oran unos por otros. Únase a nosotros mientras nos apoyamos unos a otros mientras nos parecemos más a Jesús y nos unimos a él en la misión.
Español Campus
Day: Monday
Time: 11 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: Denver
Frequency: Cada Catorce Días
A través de este estudio aprenderemos a ponernos cada parte de la armadura para alcanzar una victoria espiritual. La Armadura de Dios, Priscilla Shirer.
Littleton Campus
Day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Time: TBD
Location: Centennial, Highlands Ranch
Frequency: Begins March 2025
Men on Mission is a strategic development program designed to help you grow into the man Jesus has called you to be, create relationships with men on the same journey, and to build a solid foundation for our church now and into the future.
Littleton, Castle Rock Campus
Day: Monday
Time: 7 - 8:30 AM
Location: Castle Rock
Frequency: Weekly
Join us as we study God's Word and share our lives together. This semester we are being taught and transformed as we study the book of Daniel.
Littleton Campus
Day: Friday
Time: 6:30 - 8 AM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly
Join a group of guys who gather weekly to challenge and support each other as we become more like Jesus and join him on mission.
Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 6:30 - 8 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly
This spring, there will be a BSF Men's Bible study meeting to discuss Revelation.
Littleton Campus
Day: Wednesday
Time: 7 - 8:30 PM
Location: Chatfield
Frequency: Weekly
Join this Men's Group for a study of Genesis! We will meet at a home near Chatfield State Park (address to be provided). We will spend time studying God's word, diving into each other's lives, and praying for each other. Join us as we help each other become more like Jesus and join him on mission.
North Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 6:30 - 8 AM
Location: North Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly
Meets weekly at the North Littleton Campus. Our study will be based off the Bible Project Podcast. This fall, we are studying the Sermon on the Mount.
Littleton Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6:30 - 8 AM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly
Join us as we study God's Word and share our lives together. We are currently reading What Happens Next by Max Lucado.
Littleton Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6 - 7:30 PM
Location: Lone Tree
Frequency: Bi-Weekly
We are excited to grow together as men. This semester, we will be studying how the Sermon on the Mount unpacks Jesus' words in John 14:15. We mix together fellowship, study, and prayer to create a group that supports and challenges each other to live out God's desire for our lives.
Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 6:30 - 8 AM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly
This spring we will be studying 1 and 2 Thessalonians.
Littleton Campus
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6:30 - 8 PM
Location: North Littleton Campus
Frequency: Bi-Weekly
Meets bi-weekly at the North Littleton Campus. This semester we are working our way through the book of Acts.
Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 6:30 - 8:15 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly
This spring, we will be looking at some of the shorter New Testament letters (Ephesians, Philippians, Titus, Philemon, and James). Show up and bring a study Bible. Join us and discussion questions.
Littleton Campus
Day: Saturday
Time: 8 - 9 AM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly
This is a group of guys that shares a devotional and pray for each other. Come join us as we support each other as we become more like Jesus and join him on mission.
Español Campus
Day: Saturday
Time: 11 AM - 1 PM
Location: Life Center
Frequency: Monthly, every third Saturday
¡Descubre tu propósito y fortalece tu fe en el Ministerio de Mujeres! Nuestro objetivo es brindarte apoyo en todas las etapas de tu vida y ayudarte a priorizar lo que realmente importa.
Littleton Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 AM
Location: The Grove
Frequency: Bi-Weekly | Spring 2025
Low Intensity
This study is designed to coordinate with weekday Moms of Littles and Moms in the Middle groups. We meet twice monthly on the weeks we do not meet for Moms of Littles or Moms in the Middle.
Littleton Campus
Day: Monday
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 AM
Location: The Grove
Frequency: Bi-Weekly | Spring 2025
Low Intensity
This study is designed to coordinate with weekday Moms of Littles and Moms in the Middle groups. We meet twice monthly on the weeks we do not meet for Moms of Littles or Moms in the Middle.
Online Campus
Time: On Demand
Frequency: Weekly
Mid Intensity
We’ve created a podcast space where you can come and go, as your schedule allows, that points you toward Jesus and His Word.
Littleton Campus
Day: Wednesday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 15 - Apr 30
Low Intensity
We are passionate about studying God’s word and building authentic community as we navigate the first responder life together.
Littleton Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 14 - Apr 29
Low Intensity
We are passionate about studying God’s word and building authentic community as we navigate the first responder life together.
Littleton Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 14 - Apr 22
Mid Intensity
Explore the fascinating account of the building of the Old Testament tabernacle and the significance of its intricate design.
Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 16 - Apr 24
Mid Intensity
Explore the fascinating account of the building of the Old Testament tabernacle and the significance of its intricate design.
Littleton Campus
Day: Wednesday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 15 - Apr 23
Mid Intensity
Explore the fascinating account of the building of the Old Testament tabernacle and the significance of its intricate design.
Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 16 - Apr 24
Mid Intensity
Explore the fascinating account of the building of the Old Testament tabernacle and the significance of its intricate design.
Littleton Campus
Day: Monday
Time: 6 - 8 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 13 - Apr 14
Mid Intensity
Explore the fascinating account of the building of the Old Testament tabernacle and the significance of its intricate design.
Castle Rock Campus
Day: Friday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Castle Rock Campus Offices
Frequency: Bi-Weekly | Jan 31 - May 23
Low Intensity
Understand the riches of our inheritance as daughters of our heavenly Father, as well as what it means to walk in a manner worthy of our calling.
Littleton Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 14 - Apr 29
Low Intensity
Discover how Esther’s story inspires us to live faithfully and courageously in our own time.
Littleton Campus
Day: Monday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 13 - Apr 28
Low Intensity
Discover how Esther’s story inspires us to live faithfully and courageously in our own time.
Littleton Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 14 - Apr 29
Low Intensity
Discover how Esther’s story inspires us to live faithfully and courageously in our own time.
Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 16 - May 1
Low Intensity
Discover how Esther’s story inspires us to live faithfully and courageously in our own time.
Castle Rock Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 9:30 - 11 AM
Location: Castle Rock Campus Offices
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 14 - Apr 29
Low Intensity
Discover how Esther’s story inspires us to live faithfully and courageously in our own time.
Littleton Campus
Day: Wednesday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 15 - Apr 30
Low Intensity
Discover how Esther’s story inspires us to live faithfully and courageously in our own time.
Littleton Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 14 - Apr 29
Mid Intensity
Understand the main themes running throughout the book of Isaiah. Focus on the personal application as well as historical events and prophecy.
Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 16 - May 15
Mid Intensity
Understand the main themes running throughout the book of Isaiah. Focus on the personal application as well as historical events and prophecy.
Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 16 - May 1
Mid Intensity
This group is currently full. Understand the main themes running throughout the book of Isaiah. Focus on the personal application as well as historical events and prophecy.
Littleton Campus
Day: Monday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 20 - Apr 14
Low Intensity
Travel through Israel to the places Jesus walked to behold the Gospel story in a whole new way.
Littleton Campus
Day: Monday
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 20 - Apr 14
Low Intensity
This group is currently full. Travel through Israel to the places Jesus walked to behold the Gospel story in a whole new way.
Littleton Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 21 - Apr 15
Low Intensity
Travel through Israel to the places Jesus walked to behold the Gospel story in a whole new way.
Littleton Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 21 - Apr 15
Low Intensity
For women in their 20s and 30s. Travel through Israel to the places Jesus walked to behold the Gospel story in a whole new way.
Littleton Campus
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 21 - Apr 15
Low Intensity
Travel through Israel to the places Jesus walked to behold the Gospel story in a whole new way.
Littleton Campus
Day: Wednesday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 22 - Apr 16
Low Intensity
Travel through Israel to the places Jesus walked to behold the Gospel story in a whole new way.
Castle Rock Campus
Day: Wednesday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Castle Rock Campus Offices
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 22 - Apr 16
Low Intensity
Travel through Israel to the places Jesus walked to behold the Gospel story in a whole new way.
North Littleton Campus
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6 - 8 PM
Location: North Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 22 - Apr 16
Low Intensity
Travel through Israel to the places Jesus walked to behold the Gospel story in a whole new way.
Littleton Campus
Day: Thursday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Campus
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 23 - Apr 17
Low Intensity
Travel through Israel to the places Jesus walked to behold the Gospel story in a whole new way.
Littleton Campus
Day: Saturday
Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Location: Littleton Home
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 18 - Apr 12
Low Intensity
This group meets in the group leader's home. Travel through Israel to the places Jesus walked to behold the Gospel story in a whole new way.
Online Campus
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Location: ZOOM
Frequency: Weekly | Jan 22 - Apr 16
Low Intensity
This class meets online via Zoom. Travel through Israel to the places Jesus walked to behold the Gospel story in a whole new way.