Jon + Danielle minister to vulnerable and marginalized members of their community in San Salvador, El Salvador. Their work includes ministry to survivors of trafficking and sexual exploitation, those who are facing homelessness and extreme poverty, individuals who have recently returned from the U.S., as well as those who are on a journey toward addiction recovery. Jon and Danielle walk with those they serve toward a relationship with Christ, new opportunities, dignified work, and a chance to dream about and work toward a new future of freedom and growth.


Keith Carson, Jon Roberts, and Mauricio Carbone recently visited Jon and Danielle. They had been scheduled to visit Mission Hills Church last October, but they tested positive for Covid.

While our team visited with them in El Salvador last week, they expressed their thankfulness – first to God and to the churches that participate with them, including Mission Hills Church. They are so excited that, even with the craziness of the past couple of years, the ministry is thriving! Their positive reputation has also increased on a national level with the government in El Salvador because they were actively participating during Covid as an emergency response center for the homeless population and poor in San Salvador.

They also faced a couple of storms that transformed the streets into rivers. They were able to assist families in need who were not able to leave their homes and were without food and essentials. The ministry was right there in the middle of it all, helping, serving, and providing whatever it took to help those in need – and sharing the Good News!

Their Mission to San Salvador community center provides counseling, life skill trainings, lunches, and medical assistance. They also have a residential program for minors facing addiction that has an 83% success rate. Sadly, during Covid they had to send the kids back to their respective homes. This was difficult because bad homelives were the reason the students needed to get out of their environment and be in this program. Jon and Danielle were able to conduct virtual treatment for these kids and now that Covid restrictions have finally lifted, all those young people returned to the program and graduated.

All the activities Mission to El Salvador provides are Gospel centered. It is so exciting to know they are connecting clients and their families to local churches. They praised God for His faithfulness.

Mission Hills Church has been able to participate actively with Mission to El Salvador contributing financially toward their ministry. We have a short-term team of 17 people heading over to serve with them in July as well. We praise God for the work that He is doing!

Jeff Baxter

✍️ Credit :: Mauricio Carbone
Outreach Pastor

Matt Rhodes

🎨 Credit :: Colin McFarland
Digital Marketing Manager