In spite of the vibe some religious people seem to give off, God actually created us to love our lives! Jesus came so that we could “have life and have it to the full,” and the Bible is filled with practical – though sometimes surprising – principles for how to do exactly that.

Let’s explore 7 ways to start living a life that is truly fulfilling!

1. Finding Your Footing

Understanding who you are in Christ is foundational to living a life you love. The Bible teaches that our identity is not defined by what we do or what others say about us. It’s defined by what God says!

Psalm 139 assures us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Ephesians 2:10 calls us God’s masterpiece, created for good works. This identity anchors us in truth, giving us a firm foundation in a world that often shifts and changes. When you know who you are in God’s eyes, you can make decisions with clarity and confidence, pursuing a life that reflects his love and purpose.

2. Being Content

A life you love requires learning to be content. The Apostle Paul speaks about contentment in Philippians 4:11-13, saying it isn’t about having everything you desire. It’s about trusting in God’s provision and finding joy in the blessings you already have.

This perspective allows you to shift your focus from what you lack to the abundant goodness that surrounds you. By practicing gratitude and relying on God’s strength, you can find happiness and contentment in every situation. And that leads to a deeper peace and joy in life!

3. Working Hard

Colossians 3:23 teaches us to “work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” When we approach our work with diligence and a heart of service, it becomes more than just a task. It’s an act of worship!

Hard work, when done with the right attitude, brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose. It’s not about being busy for the sake of productivity, but about honoring God through excellence in everything you do. Balancing hard work with rest, as God designed, ensures that your efforts are sustainable and meaningful.

4. Judging Justly

The Bible calls us to exercise discernment with both grace and truth. In John 7:24, Jesus instructs us to “judge correctly,” meaning that we should look beyond appearances and make fair, compassionate judgments. This balance of truth and love is essential in all our relationships.

By following Jesus’ example of showing grace while upholding God’s standards, we can build communities and relationships that are healthy and nurturing, reflecting the love and justice of God.

5. Trusting Safely

Proverbs 3:5-6 advises us to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Trusting God fully is crucial for living a joyful life, but we must also be wise in whom we trust in our human relationships.

The Bible reminds us to guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23), which means being discerning about the people we allow into our inner circles. Healthy boundaries are essential for maintaining your peace and well-being, while still being open to the godly relationships that can enrich your life.

6. Making Friends

God designed us for community, and the Bible is full of wisdom about friendship. Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times,” highlighting the value of loyal and supportive relationships. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 emphasizes the strength found in having companions who can lift each other up.

Building godly friendships provides mutual encouragement and support, which are vital for spiritual growth and emotional well-being. Investing in these relationships reflects God’s love and creates a support system that helps you navigate life’s challenges.

7. Planning in Pencil

Proverbs 16:9 teaches that “in their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” While planning is important, it’s essential to hold your plans loosely, allowing God to guide you according to his perfect will.

Life is unpredictable, and being open to God’s redirection can lead to opportunities and blessings you might not have anticipated. Trusting that God’s plans are for your good (Jeremiah 29:11) gives you the flexibility to adapt to changes with peace and confidence, knowing that he is in control.


Living a life you love is about aligning yourself with God’s truth and purpose. By embracing your identity in Christ, cultivating contentment, working diligently, exercising discernment, trusting wisely, nurturing godly friendships, and planning with flexibility, you can experience a life that feels complete. A life that is not only fulfilling, but also deeply aligned with God’s will. These biblical principles can guide you on a path to a life that is not only fulfilling, but also deeply aligned with God’s will.


Want some more practical ways to live a fulfilling life? Check out our message series, How to Live a Life You Love, on YouTube!

Matt Rhodes


Craig Smith
Lead Pastor

Matt Rhodes


Maddie Brouwer
Communications Coordinator