This is a day where it’s easy to “count your blessings.” As we come together with friends and family, to enjoying food and camaraderie, we take the day to offer thanks to God for all he has given us. For most of us in the United States, there are a lot of good gifts we’ve received from God to offer gratitude for.

But what is the reason God has been generous towards you and how should we respond to God’s generosity? When we look to the Bible, we find that God doesn’t just bless us for our enjoyment or to only meet our needs, but also for the good of others. God told Abraham that he would bless Abraham and “all peoples on the earth will be blessed through you (Genesis 12:2-3).” When Paul advised those in Ephesus to work, he reminded them that they weren’t working only to fulfill their own needs, but so that “they may have something to share with those in need (Ephesians 4:28).”

As he was taking up an offering from the church in Corinth, Paul reminded them,

“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity with result in thanksgiving to God (2 Corinthians 9:11).”

God’s blessings towards you aren’t intended to only result in your thankfulness, but to enable you to be generous. You have the ability to demonstrate God’s goodness to others and this will result in their thankfulness towards God, too.

Let this day of thanksgiving propel you towards generosity. As the surrounding culture gears up for a holiday of buying over the next few days and weeks, let’s actively engage giving. If God has given you an abundance, remember that he has blessed you so that you can be a blessing. How can we create a culture of generosity in our church? One simple way that you can choose to be generous towards your brothers and sisters in Christ through giving towards WatchCare on GivingTuesday, November 29. This fund provides for those who may have stumbled upon a financial difficulty or two and are looking for their church family to help. Be thankful today and be the reason for someone else’s thankfulness in the future.