Corrie Ten Boom

Corrie Ten Boom

Heroes of the faith Part 8 Corrie ten Boom slowly walked through the house, treasuring all the memories the old walls held. After months in a Nazi concentration camp besieged by the worst suffering imaginable, it was surreal to be back in the warmth, safety, and love...
Amy Carmichael

Amy Carmichael

Heroes of the faith Part 7 Walking home from church one dreary Sunday, Amy Carmichael and her brothers noticed an old beggar woman struggling under the weight of a heavy bundle. They quickly rushed to her side to help. Being from a wealthy family, Amy suddenly felt...
Nate Saint

Nate Saint

Heroes of the faith Part 6 Born in the Pennsylvania countryside in 1923, Nate Saint grew up in a creative family that encouraged out-of-the-box thinking. Anytime one of their eight children came up with a wild idea, Mr. and Mrs. Saint would enthusiastically help them...
Mom Ref

Mom Ref

Booger wiper. First-aid kit. Limo service. Snack supplier. Diaper changer. Cuddle giver. Screen time limiter. Activity director. Chaos coordinator. Chief Operations Officer. There are a lot of job titles that come with being a mom. I was definitely more prepared for...
Top 17 Parks

Top 17 Parks

Hi mamas! With summer officially here, my kids have already hit some days of “we don’t know what to do” or the dreaded “I’m bored.” First, let me say, I actually think it is good for our kids to get bored. We live in a culture that is chock full of entertainment and...