Don’t Be Afraid to Tell the Story

Don’t Be Afraid to Tell the Story

DON'T BE AFRAID TO TELL THE STORY Heaven will not be boring. The glorious picture in Revelation 21 isn’t even the whole of it, but through it, John gave us a glimpse into the “end” of the story for all of us who believe. But what about the time we have before we...

Learning to Let Go

LEARNING TO LET GO This fall—as the air grows crisper and the leaves begin to crunch beneath our steps—let’s learn a lesson from the trees. It happens each and every autumn, but the sight is still remarkable, maybe because so little else in our lives conforms to the...

4 Ways to Fight Satan’s First Lie

4 WAYS TO FIGHT SATAN'S FIRST LIE Satan caused Eve to question God’s care for her even while she was surrounded by the goodness of the garden. He directed her attention to the one thing that God prohibited her from partaking in. He was able to implant this familiar...

How Does God Feel About Racism?

HOW DOES GOD FEEL ABOUT RACISM? In America, we find ourselves in the middle of a dark story of racism and death and many of us are asking, “How did we get here?” Let’s start at the beginning. In Genesis 1, God created mankind. He made them as the image and likeness of...

3 Places You Will Represent God Today

3 PLACES YOU WILL REPRESENT GOD TODAY If we are God’s representatives in creation, shouldn’t that change how we walk through our days? This new paradigm doesn’t just affect our inward spiritual life, but changes all of our daily activities—our grocery shopping, coffee...

What’s worth your investment?

WHAT'S WORTH YOUR INVESTMENT? Jesus tells a story in Luke 10 that you might be familiar with as The Parable of the Good Samaritan. Three different men happen upon a man who was robbed, beaten, and left half dead on the side of the road.The first two men, both...