Displacing Divisions and Embracing Discomfort

Displacing Divisions and Embracing Discomfort

DISPLACING DIVISIONS AND EMBRACING DISCOMFORT Jesus removed the dividing wall of hostility, the rules and regulations of the Old Testament Law, which separated Jews and Gentiles. He did this in order to create a unified church (Ephesians 2:14-16).  To further, rather...
Why did we switch to the NIV?

Why did we switch to the NIV?

WHY DID WE SWITCH TO THE NIV Have you wondered why we switched from the ESV to the NIV recently? What’s the difference anyway? Hear Craig explain why we’re using the NIV translation and teach us a little more about different Bible...
How to Take Hold of Your Identity In Christ

How to Take Hold of Your Identity In Christ

HOW TO TAKE HOLD OF YOUR IDENTITY IN CHRIST Taking hold of our identity in Christ means that we react to the world in ways that acknowledge, accept, and embrace our secure identity in Christ. In his book “The Ragamuffin Gospel,” Brennan Manning writes, “My...

3 Opportunities Halloween Gives Christians

3 OPPORTUNITIES HALLOWEEN GIVES CHRISTIANS This time of year raises the same questions for many believers. How should Christians respond to Halloween? Should we celebrate it or should we refuse to take part? Do we throw a Halloween party or offer some kind of...
6 Things That Define Who You Are in Christ

6 Things That Define Who You Are in Christ

6 THINGS THAT DEFINE WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST If we are going to remember who we are and what we stand for, we must know and be confident of who we are in Christ. The world around you will attempt to define you by what you have and what you do, but our true identity is...
Politics and Predestination

Politics and Predestination

POLITICS AND PREDESTINATION Discussing anything related to politics or predestination is not for the faint of heart these days. Lines have been drawn and each side has armed themselves with shrewd arguments, fierce rebuttals, and quotations of Bible verses. These...
You Aren’t God’s Employee

You Aren’t God’s Employee

YOU AREN'T GODS EMPLOYEE In Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, he doesn’t say much before establishing their identity as children of God. He declares, “In love, he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his...
Where Can We Find Rest?

Where Can We Find Rest?

WHERE CAN WE FIND REST? Rest is often sought after but frequently never attained. I’m willing to bet that many of us fail miserably at getting enough rest.  We live in a culture that keeps us busy with jobs, responsibilities, hobbies, kid’s activities, and more. Rest...

4 Things That Don’t Define Us

4 THINGS THAT DON'T DEFINE US The Bible has a lot to say about who we are in Christ. In Christ, you have been loved, redeemed, adopted, freed, and made complete. But as long as we live in this world full of competing messages, we can easily exchange our true identity...

Is Your Whole Life Transformed?

IS YOUR WHOLE LIFE TRANSFORMED? What does a transformed life look like? Is it a person who has perfect church attendance or has most of the bible memorized? While those are good things, they aren’t the only things that reveal a transformed life. Our “religious”...