Jesus’ Way of Life

JESUS' WAY OF LIFE Throughout our Easter series, our Thursday blog posts will focus on two seemingly discordant themes: suffering and joy. We’ll look to the examples of Jesus and the early church as well as exhortations from the authors of the New Testament epistles...

Jesus’ Joy and His Sacrifice

JESUS' JOY AND SACRIFICE Throughout our Easter series, our Thursday blog posts will focus on two seemingly discordant themes: suffering and joy. We’ll look to the examples of Jesus and the early church as well as exhortations from the authors of the New Testament...

Is Anyone Too Lost For Jesus?

IS ANYONE TOO LOST FOR JESUS? The story of Zacchaeus is surprising because it reveals Jesus’ priorities—and how different they can be from our own. Often, we can find ourselves in the position of the crowd, jockeying for Jesus’ attention and creating barriers for...

Overcoming Fear of Sharing Your Faith

OVERCOMING FEAR OF SHARING YOUR FAITH If you are like me, you hate doing things alone—especially if it’s something difficult or intimidating. Whether it’s starting at a new job or school, learning a hobby, joining a church, or moving to an unfamiliar place, we often...
Go to Them.

Go to Them.

GO TO THEM. Evangelism is not just one of the ministries of the church. It’s the central reason why the church exists. As long as each of us is here on earth, our job is to share the good news of God’s reconciling work with the world. This also means that it’s not...