TRY BEING UNFAIR NEXT TIME Besides death and taxes, there’s one other certainty: human hearts aren’t prone towards mercy, at least not towards others. We’re greedy for personal justice from the moment we comprehend that something’s unfair. She has more than me....
WHY WE LIE It’s safe to say we’re not always honest—sometimes we lie. Let’s at least be honest about that. And on top of that, we usually excuse these lies by maintaining that we don’t lie about the big things, just those little white lies. Whether it’s about that...
A LETTER TO MEN AT MISSION HILLS Find out more about our Men’s Ministry and some of their upcoming events here. The wind is wild, and weird, and wonderful—and I’ve been thinking about it more than usual. Maybe it’s because I’ve driven through Limon several times in...
WHAT MOTIVATES YOU? When it happens on a court or a field, we call it “competition,” or between brothers and sisters it’s “sibling rivalry,” but when it happens in church—like in James’ church—we call it disunity. The infighting and dissension within James’...
WHAT IF YOU ASKED JESUS WHAT TO DO? We can be honest with each other. Most of us consult our virtual calendars to determine our plans more often than we consult Jesus. Probably too many of our prayers involve asking God for his stamp of approval on our plans instead...
Reza Zedah, a teaching pastor at Mission Hills Church, is originally from Abadan, Iran, yet spent most of his life in Southern California. He attended Colorado State University and played football for the CSU Rams. Reza grew up Muslim and met Jesus through a sports ministry called Athletes in Action at CSU. He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary and has served as a pastor for the last 12 years. He currently serves in various college athletic departments in Colorado and as the chaplain for the Denver Broncos.
Craig Smith, the Lead Pastor of Mission Hills Church, is passionate about teaching God’s Word in a way that unleashes the followers of Jesus to be transformed and transformational. Craig holds an M.Div. from Denver Seminary and a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies from Trinity College, Bristol University, UK. He teaches New Testament and Theology courses at Denver Seminary and is the author of several books, including his latest release How (Not) to Miss God Moving.