Steps for Reading Your Bible

Steps for Reading Your Bible

STEPS FOR READING YOUR BIBLE For Christmas this past season, I purchased an iPhone for my wife. I must say, it was a great gift and she was very pleased with my selection and color. What was interesting to us both was how a complex device has such easy instructions to...
Lessons I’ve Learned as a Mom of Boys

Lessons I’ve Learned as a Mom of Boys

LESSONS I'VE LEARNED AS A MOM OF BOYS If you are the parent of boys, you probably are being faced with challenges unlike any other experience in life. Raising boys is a one-of-a-kind experience. As we understand what makes this calling unique, we begin to see (and...
The Good Samaritan, Prejudice, and Parenting

The Good Samaritan, Prejudice, and Parenting

THE GOOD SAMARITAN, PREJUDICE, AND PARENTING The term “good Samaritan” is a common expression in our culture, meaning someone who exhibits surprising kindness towards a stranger. The term itself originates from Jesus’ parable in Luke 10 where a Samaritan man did just...

Missing Out on Real Community

MISSING OUT ON REAL COMMUNITY I was sitting in my office one afternoon hammering away on a string of emails when I overheard a conversation in the hallway. Our office shares a building with a counseling center so I’m accustomed to hearing about the latest and greatest...
A Letter to Men at Mission Hills

A Letter to Men at Mission Hills

A LETTER TO MEN AT MISSION HILLS Find out more about our Men’s Ministry and some of their upcoming events here. The wind is wild, and weird, and wonderful—and I’ve been thinking about it more than usual. Maybe it’s because I’ve driven through Limon several times in...
Seeking God in the Meantime

Seeking God in the Meantime

SEEKING GOD IN THE MEANTIME We all face them, those seasons in life where we feel like we are in between “promised-lands.”  Internally, we may feel like we lack any purpose or direction and this emotion can swell up inside of us, despite having full schedules and busy...