Colorado Christmas Adventure Story
COLORADO CHRISTMAS ADVENTURE The Colorado Christmas Adventure unfolds around our little band of cottage mates. A family bound together by circumstance, these six kids have been removed from unsafe homes. Candy canes, Christmas lights, gingerbread houses and nativity...Fall Giving
Fall Giving Thanksgiving is a time when we are reminded of all the ways we’ve been blessed. Sometimes we go back and look at the blessings we’ve taken for granted for a long time and realize the weight of them — the ability to read, a device to read this post on,...
2 Steps For Starting a Gratitude List
2 Steps For Starting a Gratitude List It’s November, the month best known as “Time to do the Christmas shopping” and “Oh wait, I need to remember how to cook a turkey.” By the time Thanksgiving rolls around and you’re asking your family what they’re grateful for, it...
Jesus’ Coolest Miracles
Jesus' Coolest Miracles We live in a world where some of the most popular stories are those of superheroes and people with crazy powers. As humans, we love to be amazed and intrigued. That’s why we watch movies such as Superman or Avengers. It’s why magic shows have...