In short, the kingdom of God is the realm in which God rules and reigns. Through Jesus’ first coming, he inaugurated this new and coming kingdom, evidenced by the miracles of healing, exorcism, and resurrection that he performed during his time on earth. When Jesus comes again, he will fully establish God’s kingdom here on earth by enacting justice, defeating Satan, resurrecting all who are in him to eternal life, and recreating the world to flourish as he intended in the beginning.
Between his first coming and his later return, the forces of evil are still at work in our world. Satan still has (a limited) power to create disorder, chaos, tragedy, and division. In response, our mission as the church is to expand God’s kingdom during this time through our proclamation of the good news and our actions which make God’s rule and reign in our lives visible to the rest of the world.
As a church, we focus on God’s kingdom by concentrating on accomplishing God’s mission in the world. We know we can’t do this alone and it’s not a one person—or even one church’s—job. So, what does it look like for each of us to be kingdom-minded? Here are some ideas:
1 // You care more about the Church than this church, so we encourage other churches by sharing resources with one another.
2 // You support organizations, like our local and global partners, who are serving Denver and the world and expanding the kingdom.
3 // You’re more focused on how our church can expand the kingdom by reaching those outside of our walls than how the church can serve you and your needs.
4 // You focus on the major tenants of faith instead of minor areas of disagreement to encourage maintain unity within our church and between churches.
5 // You understand that the church is a group of people on mission to the world, not an insiders club that creates barriers and looks down on the world.
There’s always a gravitational pull inwards as a church. So, to be and continue to be kingdom-minded, we must be vigilant to continue to ask ourselves, “How are we growing God’s kingdom?” with every action we take—individually and corporately. This is the mission of the church and the work we were all made for.