Embarking on a short-term mission trip is an incredible opportunity to serve others, grow spiritually, and share the gospel. However, many people face obstacles that prevent them from taking the leap. Whether it’s fear, finances, or the uncertainty of stepping into a new environment, these challenges are real—but you can overcome them with the right mindset and preparation.

Here are 7 common obstacles to joining a short-term mission trip, along with practical tips on how to overcome them.

1. Financial Barriers: “I Can’t Afford It”

One of the most common hurdles is the cost of going on a mission trip. Whether it’s airfare, accommodations, or other expenses, the financial burden can seem overwhelming. However, there are biblical principles and practical strategies for fundraising.

How to Overcome It:

Prayer and sharing with others is very important in the fundraising process! Tell people what God is doing through you, and invite them to be a part of it. Understand that God calls people to support missions, and many are eager to contribute​! Trust that God will provide the resources you need (Matthew 7:7-12). As part of team preparation, write support letters to family and friends and discuss creative fundraising ideas like yard sales, car washes, and sponsorships to help offset the cost.

2. Fear of the Unknown: “What If I’m Not Safe?”

Concerns about safety and the unknown often discourage people from signing up for mission trips. Spiritual warfare and the potential risks of traveling to unfamiliar places can amplify these fears.

How to Overcome It:

Prepare spiritually and recognize that fear is a natural part of stepping into the mission field. Relying on prayer, understanding spiritual warfare, and trusting in God’s protection are essential. Equip yourself with the full armor of God and lean on the strength he provides​.

3. Cultural Challenges: “I Don’t Know How to Adapt to a Different Culture”

Entering a new culture can feel intimidating, especially when the customs, values, and beliefs differ greatly from your own. People often worry about offending others or being unable to connect with the community cross-culturally.

How to Overcome It:

Begin learning cultural contexts and approaching different cultures with humility and a learner’s attitude. Preparing to serve in a culturally sensitive way means listening and learning first, being respectful, and allowing God to use you in ways you might not expect​.

4. Team Dynamics: “What If I Don’t Get Along with My Team?”

Mission trips often involve working closely with a diverse group of people, which can lead to conflicts or misunderstandings. Worries about team dynamics can discourage participation.

How to Overcome It:

Team building, communication, and strong leadership are of utmost importance. Taking part in pre-trip meetings, team-building exercises, and personality assessments (like the Colors Quiz – see page 20 of our Short-Term Trip Participant Guide) will help create a stronger team. Additionally, having a plan of action to handle conflict in a Christ-like manner will strengthen both the individual and the team​. Always set aside time to work together as a team before leaving for your mission trip.

5. Time Commitment: “I Don’t Have Time to Prepare”

Another common obstacle is finding the time to attend all the required meetings, fundraising, and preparing spiritually for the trip. Juggling personal, professional, and trip commitments can seem impossible.

How to Overcome It:

Preparation is key to a successful mission trip. It’s important to view this time as an investment not only in the trip but in your personal spiritual growth. Plan your schedule well in advance, prioritize the meetings, and view each step of the preparation process as part of the journey. Remember, the mission begins long before you set foot on the plane​.

6. Feeling Spiritually Unprepared: “I’m Not Ready for This”

Many people feel that they aren’t spiritually strong enough to serve on a mission trip. Whether it’s fear of sharing their testimony or concerns about navigating spiritual warfare, feelings of inadequacy can prevent people from signing up.

How to Overcome It:

Preparing your testimony and developing the confidence to share your faith is very important (see page 35 of our Participant Guide for tips on how to do this). It also encourages participants to cultivate a strong prayer life, both individually and as part of a team. Through prayer and trust in God’s power, you can step into the mission field with boldness, knowing that God equips those he calls.

7. Physical + Logistical Concerns: “What About Travel, Immunizations, and Paperwork?”

The logistics of traveling to another country—passport renewals, vaccinations, visas, and insurance—can seem daunting. These are often seen as roadblocks to going on a mission trip.

How to Overcome It:

Our Short-Term Trip Participant Guide outlines clear steps for managing the logistical aspects of travel, including obtaining passports, getting required vaccinations, and ensuring you have the necessary documents for travel (see page 7). Additionally, trip leaders are there to guide you through this process. Preparing in advance and staying organized can remove much of the stress​.



Trusting God in Every Step

Each of these obstacles are significant, but all can be overcome! As you prepare to go on a short-term mission trip, remember that God equips those he calls. Whether it’s financial, spiritual, or logistical concerns, trust that God will provide a way and strengthen you for the journey ahead.

If you’re feeling called to go on a mission trip, don’t let these challenges stop you from reaching your goal. Take each obstacle to God in prayer, seek guidance from those who have gone before you, and step out in faith. You’ll not only make a difference in the lives of others but also experience a deeper, more personal relationship with Christ.