Marriage is an incredible blessing, but it requires work. Especially in areas like communication, conflict resolution, and intimacy. If you’re looking to strengthen your relationship, we’ve listed out our top 7 favorite books on marriage. These Biblically-centered resources provide wisdom and practical tips for working out common marital struggles.

1. Vertical Marriage by Dave + Anne Wilson

This book shares the secret to a great marriage: a vertical relationship with God. Learn how prioritizing your relationship with Jesus enhances your connection with your spouse. When God is the center of your marriage, everything else falls into place!

2. The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller

What is the key to happiness in marriage? Keller’s book explains that understanding the Biblical meaning of marriage transforms how married couples approach conflict. Keller dives deep into the purpose of marriage, focusing on how it reflects God’s covenant love.

3. Making Your Marriage a Fortress by Gary Thomas

You will face trials in your marriage. This book offers strategies for protecting your relationship in challenging times. Thomas focuses on biblical principles for handling conflict and communicating with love.

4. Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

In his book, Gary Thomas reframes our views of marriage. He explains why marriage is more than a pursuit of happiness. It’s a journey toward holiness. Walking closer to God through your marriage will help you walk closer to each other!

5. The Peacemaker by Ken Sande

Conflict is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to damage your relationship. Sande’s book teaches Biblical principles for resolving disputes and fostering forgiveness. Reading this book can help you turn challenges into opportunities to grow together.

6. From Anger to Intimacy by Gary Smalley

Smalley provides a roadmap for moving past anger to rebuild trust and intimacy. The practical steps he outlines help couples improve communication and heal emotional wounds.

7. Loveology by John Mark Comer

Comer offers a candid look at sexual intimacy within marriage. He talks through the role of love, respect, and mutual understanding in building a healthy physical relationship between men and women.


Need some additional support?

Whether your marriage is a solid “8” and you want to get to a “9” or you’re stuck on “2” and wondering if you’re going to make it through another year, Re|engage is for you! This group offers hope to marriages by helping couples move toward oneness through stories of grace.



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